The DeKoven Center counts on your donations to help maintain and improve its historic buildings and grounds while serving the community with a diversity of programs and events. Your generous contribution allows DeKoven to continue welcoming people from across the country and around the world, who come to campus for spiritual reflection and celebration.
If you would like to learn more about additional ways to give, please visit If you would like to have a list of current needs, or desire to give for a specific purpose, please contact the Executive Director.
The DeKoven Center, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit public charity
Additional Ways to Give:
Stock or Securities Gift
Make a tax-deductible contribution using appreciated stock.
IRA Charitable Rollover
Those 70½ or older may make a contribution directly from an IRA by transfer of up to $100,000 a year to charities of your choice. The gift is not taxable income and counts toward minimal distribution requirements.
DeKoven In Your Will
Work with legal counsel to include DeKoven Center as a beneficiary of your estate. "I hereby give, devise and bequeath to DeKoven Center, a not-for-profit corporation with the present address of 2000 Wisconsin Avenue, Racine, Wisconsin 54303 and its successors $_______ and/or ______ percent of my estate, to be used in such manner as determined by its board."
Life Insurance Gift
Check with your agent for details on purchasing a new policy or donating a policy you no longer need.
Income For Life Gifts
Work with your financial planner to transfer capital and retain income for your lifetime and/or the lifetime of another person through Charitable Gift Annuities and Charitable Trusts.
Donor Advised Fund
Work with a financial planner to create a lasting legacy and provide funding through this increasingly popular vehicle. We recommend contacting the Racine Community Foundation.